even more transportation policies!

Lisa has so many ideas for how to reimagine our transportation, they won’t fit on one page! Here is more info about what Lisa will do as mayor:

  • Create an office that is specifically dedicated to multimodal transportation rather than having it as an under-resourced program under the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure. 

  • Appoint a multimodal office cabinet-level advisory position with the input of a multimodal transportation community subject matter experts. 

  • Work closely with the City Auditor in reviewing the myriad of plans related to transportation and growth to determine where Denver agencies have been in compliance, and where they have failed to implement recommended changes. 

  • Create an Office of Community Engagement using best practice methods for co-creating public policy, including transportation decisions.

  • Hire outreach and subject matter experts with lived experience who are trained to facilitate intersectional perspectives within multidimensional transportation processes.

  • Collaborate with independent researchers and evaluators to measure our efforts and aggressive timeline goals

  • Implement smart growth goals for comprehensive land-use planning for environmentally sustainable, compact, walkable, and multimodal urban centers with mixed-use development offering a range of affordable housing options. 

  • Implementing initiatives to shift the culture from being car-dependent to reducing energy consumption and greenhouse-gas emissions. 

  • Scale up traffic calming and measures, and redesign intersections for better sight lines in High Injury Networks, feeder streets, and dangerous intersections.

  • Improve signal prioritization algorithms and improve lighting

  • Use data to inform decision-making and measure benchmarks to reach the goal of zero traffic fatalities as envisioned by the Denver Streets Partnership Vision Zero five-year plan. 

  • Increase funding to create equity across neighborhoods where the majority of deaths occur in High-Injury Networks and Communities of Concern which disproportionately impact people of color and working-class people

  •  Build infrastructure for alternative forms of transportation to make walking and cycling safer, paired with open space. 

  • Protect green spaces by acquiring or expanding environmentally sensitive areas, reducing carbon emissions, and scaling up eco-friendly technologies to protect our water, air, and soil. 

  • Prioritize vulnerable communities that are disproportionately impacted by traffic fatalities, climate change, and transportation decisions that impact our families and communities.

  • Make public transportation as safe, pleasant, and convenient as driving

  • Revitalize downtown Denver by encouraging people to walk, bike, roll, shop, and live there 

  • Shift valuable downtown space from parking lots to more efficient uses like shops, housing, bike lanes, and sidewalks

  • Eliminate parking minimums, and implement parking maximums

  • Develop a city transportation system that works with RTD, city schools, and neighborhood circulators

  • Integrate e-bicycles, e-scooters, and other micro-mobility tools into transportation networks safely and conveniently 

  • Expand the presence of protected, and sufficiently connected, bike lanes




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